Lexia Reading Core5
A web-based reading program for phonics instruction.
- Research proven program providing explicit, systematic, personalised learning that adapts to the individual students responses with immediate corrective feedback.
- Engages and motivates students in a game-like environment and is fun to use.
- Develops automaticity and fluency, listening and reading comprehension.
- Includes spelling rules, Latin suffixes and prefixes, sight words, verbal analogies, classifying analogies and more.
- Provides progress monitoring data without administering a test.
- Can provide directions in native languages such as Spanish, Mandarin and Portuguese.
- A comprehensive database of reading activities
- "Best in Tech" award winner
- Accessible via iPad, Android tablets, Chromebook, browser or download
Contact: coll.mccallum@gmail.com
Discount code is required for GATCA WA members
This product is not available to customers outside of Western Australia